Deliberate creation workshop
Deliberate creation workshop

After that hearing, the Committee recommended that all records of the CIA bearing on programs of secret human research become a top priority for declassification review. Giving explanation and support for these women was therapist Valerie Wolf whose speech is printed in the Media Packet I have given you. In 1995, I learned that three courageous victims of mind control experiments had stood before the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments to tell the world about the horrors they had endured in the name of National Security. Because of family circumstances she had to leave therapy before I had learned about the torture-based Cold War experiments. I don’t know if my first “programmed” client was used in government mind control experiments or not. In 1977, Senator Edward Kennedy called for a “public accounting of the abuses of the past.” His request has not been honored. In 1973, at the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms, the bulk of these records were destroyed. I realized that some of the memories reported by another one of my ritually abused clients were consistent with the types of programming used in the well-documented MKULTRA project. In 1992 at an MPD conference in Alexandria, Virginia, I first heard about the secret Cold War mind control experiments supposedly carried out by Nazi doctors who had been smuggled into the US after World War II to continue their concentration camp-type experiments. Later she remembered hearing words, letters, numbers, rhymes, and sometimes classical music in the background when they were torturing her in various ways. This client came to believe that her father, an ex-military man, and his buddies in the cult had somehow “programmed” her as a child to serve at their pleasure. In the late 80’s, a client who had been processing her memories of satanic ritual abuse brought a journal to our session in which she noted writings by an alter personality who used computer jargon: access codes, systems, exit, entry, delete, input, output, sequences, etc. I observed that some of my clients had two distinct sets of alters: those they had created spontaneously to survive unspeakable acts against them and those who appeared to have been conditioned to serve specific functions for their perpetrators or perpetrator groups.

deliberate creation workshop

But that was before the early 80’s when persons with multiple personality disorder began coming to me for psychotherapy. Human beings cannot be programmed like robots, I had believed. Workshop conducted at the 13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA, Ellen Lacter, Moderator. In Torture-based mind control: Empirical research, programmer methods, effects and treatment.


Torture-based Mind Control as a Global Phenomenon Preliminary data from the 2007 series of Extreme Abuse Surveys.

Deliberate creation workshop